Our Values

At Happy Faces we believe in a comprehensive and constructive education.

Our philosophy is based in the Montessori Philosophy and the Multiple Intelligences Theory. We believe that excellence flourishes in an environment of peace, respect and order. Education finds and ideal setting in a harmonious environment where children are encouraged to think for themselves and look for their own answers, rather than imposing any views. Through questions and reasoning our children learn to think and discover their own potential.

We believe in early stimulation. It is proven that up to the age of six years old, children can enhance and improve, through different activities and games, their innate abilities, attention, concentration, reasoning, visual and auditive discrimination, among others.

At Happy Faces we focus extensively in Human Values. LOVE, TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE AND NON-VIOLENCE are prompted through games, inspiring stories, silence and breathing exercises and songs. At Happy Faces we express Love in what we think, say and do.